Friday, June 29, 2012

How Do You Get Your News?

If you are the average American, you read 1½ newspapers every day and watch 4 hours of television.  If you commute to work, you listen to 2 hours of radio each day.  In short what you don’t need is one more source of information coming into your life each day.  That fact makes it even harder for me to make my pitch today. 

The technical age has allowed us to publish the information that we feel can help you on a relatively easy basis.  You get our email flyers every week promoting a product or service that we offer. We appreciate you allowing us onto your computer screen each week to make our pitch asking for your business. 

Today, I am asking you to subscribe to “The Daily.”  This electronic newspaper brings not only our news but the news of our industry and our nation to you in an easy to read format.  The layout of the newsletter allows you to scan and read the articles that interest you and discard the rest.  It is an efficient message delivery system.   Please take a moment to subscribe to our newsletter.  We have made that easy too.  Just click on the button below, go to the right side of the page and ‘subscribe.’  When you have your subscription – you can join the growing group of well-informed people already there. 

  We always appreciate your business and we appreciate you allowing us onto your computer screen in yet another way.

Thank you!

Don Boozer

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