It is E&O Renewal Season! Last year we added a new producer benefit to our website but we added it after the season had passed. Most of us have our E&O renewal at the end of the year and we added the benefit in March. BUT this year – we still have the same low rate and you can save money on your E&O by shopping on our website.
$1 Million Per Claim – As Low as $435! Our coverage is offered by CalSurance, the leading provider of E&O coverage in America. Last year I paid $685 for the same coverage through the program offered by one of our companies. This year I am going to buy it here and save!
We have deductibles as low as $500 and a maximum aggregate up to $3 Million! We offer full coverage for all companies for life, disability, health, Medicare Supplements, Fully Insured Groups, Accident Plans, LTC (and Annuities on level II). We don’t have coverage for P&C and securities sales.
Fast – Easy-to-Obtain Coverage! You can make application online at our website. There is a simple one-page enrollment form; no multi-page application required! You can print off your certificate immediately after your enrollment.
When You Receive Your E&O Renewal Notice – GO SHOPPING! You can see a complete breakdown of coverage and costsHERE.
If you have been the business of selling long enough, you have heard the expression, “Sell the sizzle – not the steak.” If you have ever been to a good steak restaurant you fully understand the statement. Your hear the sizzle and your mouth waters. However, selling steaks to hungry people is pretty easy. On the other hand, selling a non-tangible product that’s benefit will never be seen during a person’s lifetime is another matter indeed.
People are living longer today than they were even 20 years ago. With that longevity comes another set of problems. Now you are trying to sell a product to someone that might not pay out for 40 or more years. However during that 40 years, the insured faces another potential financially crippling situation. As a person ages, the time will come when most people will need some help in completing their daily activities. In fact, the statistics say that 70% of your clients will need help as they get older. That assistance can be in-home care or care in an inpatient facility – but they will need assistance. The question is – who will pay for it and where will they get the money?
THIS IS WHERE THE SIZZLE COMES IN! Protective Life has a product that not only offers a death benefit . . . but offers the added benefit of being able to use the death benefit before you die! The ExtendCare Rider can be added to the Protective Custom Choice UL or the Protective Advantage Choice UL. This rider is basically a ‘chronic illness rider’ that is triggered when a person is no longer able to perform any two of their normal activities of daily living (bathing, toileting, eating, dressing, transferring and continence). At that occurrence, the insured will be able to access their death benefit and receive up to $9600 per month to aid them in their upkeep – or for any other reason. This is SIZZLE. This product pays if you live or if you die and is an excellent LTC alternative.
You have clients that can’t picture themselves dead, but they can picture themselves dependent on their family and friends. This is the product that will make them sit up and take notice.
ILLUSTRATION AND FAQ SHEETS provided upon request!
If you would like us to run some illustrations for you – let us know. We will try to get them to you within 30 minutes of the time you ask. This is the product that you have been looking for to use with the guy that doesn’t think he is going to die – but understands that he is not getting any younger.
THE NUMBER 1 UL – SERIOUSLY? You see us advertising the Number 1 UL Product from time to time. We are promoting what we believe to be the across the board – most competitive UL product (based on lifetime rate guarantees). This product is not offered by a company that you normally encounter. However, the company is a very large – very strong company. The company has the strongest financials in the industry . . . better than ANY other company. In the words of one of my old time agents from Oklahoma, they are “Cleaner than a Safeway Chicken.”
In addition, this excellent product is available for a NO UNDERWRITING exchange or conversion for term or UL products issued since November 20, 2008 (there is a list of acceptable companies – but most name brand companies are on the list). If you are not replacing a product issued in the past 5 years or if you are writing a new product, this excellent product could be the one to beat the competition and get YOU the case!
A BETTER CHRONIC ILLNESS RIDER These days there are a lot of companies that offer a “chronic illness rider” and all of them are good. However, unlike all of the other chronic illness riders, this one does NOT require that the symptoms do NOT have to be permanent for the benefit to be paid. PLUS – this chronic illness rider is approved for sale in Florida and California! That is a BIG deal if you live in one of those states.
LOAN RESCUE PROGRAM This product also offers a loan rescue program. If you have a policy inforce with an outstanding loan that is killing it. THIS product will allow you to move the loan to the new policy. Many times – this will SAVE the policy.
HOW COMPETITIVE IS IT? We have an agent whose client has an American General Policy that is cratering. The woman is 71 years old and a preferred non tobacco user. We quoted 3 companies for her. Here are the numbers – and these are not unusual;
Protective Life $218.41 per month North American $202.44 per month Symetra $158.00 per month
Because there is limited distribution for the Symetra product (we are one of the few agencies who have it), you can be the first agent in your area to sell this great product. Another benefit of this product is that the application is MUCH shorter than most companies (usually 10-12 pages). Call us and let us illustrate this product for you. We will both be glad that you did.
Email flyers are our way of keeping in touch and showing you the latest product or concept offering. We switched from Constant Contact to Contact Marketing Pro a few years ago when a friend of ours brought the product to the market. In the years that followed, we have worked closely with them to tweak the system and make it even more usable for our purposes. The product is designed especially for people who are in my business. A couple of years ago we asked for a system that we could provide for our agents that will help them reach out to prospects in their geographical area with the intent of promoting their business. I am happy to say that the product is now available and you can access it through our website. CLICK HERE and take a look. We are offering a free month of service on Customer Finder for those agents who would like to take it for a test drive.
35 MILLION CONSUMER PROSPECTS 8 MILLION BUSINESS PROSPECTS The system will allow you to go into the consumer database and carve out a list of prospects in your neighborhood and send up to 1000 email flyers in the first month. You can filter the prospects by income, home ownership, occupation, gender, smoker / nonsmoker, etc. You can absolutely refine your list to those people who are your target market!
Call us for your free promo code. Once inside you will find a complete system for finding prospects and marketing directly to them on an easy and inexpensive basis. You will find templates for life and health insurance that you can customize to suit your needs or we can help you design your own flyers. Either way – you have a system that will get you in front of new prospects.
TAKE A LOOK. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.